Letwell Parish Council Minutes - Tuesday the 19th January 2022

Letwell Parish Council Minutes - Tuesday the 19th of January 2022

Minutes of the meeting of Letwell Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Tuesday the 11th October 2021.

202201 To receive and approve any apologies for absence.

                No apologies received.

202202 To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or Members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


202203 To Consider items to be discussed in the absence of the press and public.

*One Item before the close of meeting*

 202204  To approve the minutes from the meeting held on 22/11/2021.

                  RESOLVED: Approved by all.

 202205  To discuss any matters arising from the minutes, for information only.


   202206 To discuss questions provided by the Letwell Community Group.

                  Cllr Nettleship read out the questions provided, which the council then addressed as follows:

  1. The Parish Council all agreed that it would support an Easter Event as proposed by the Letwell Community Group.
  2. The Clerk informed the Parish Council that she has looked into broadband for the village Hall, on a community tariff with Plusnet the cost would be £89 per annum. RESOLVED: All approved. The Clerk advised she would organise this.
  3. Members of the Parish Council all agreed that it would be good to include the community group in the Jubilee Celebrations. Once the Parish Council have finalised the plans, the Clerk will be in touch with the Community group to make plans.
  4. The Parish Council all agreed that a Christmas tree in the village this year can happen and asked the Clerk to look into this with the view of it going outside the hall.

      202207  To discuss key holders to the Village Hall .

                     Cllr Nettleship asked if the Lady Masons still had a key? It was confirmed they do not. Cllr Nettleship stated that he thinks only Cllr’s and one member of the Community Group have  key to the village Hall, It was agreed that Rita keep a key as she lives opposite and is a member of the Community Group. The Councillors with keys are Cllr Sharpe, Cllr Straw and Cllr Biggins. Vicky Bennet retuned her key to Cllr Sharpe.

       202208  Clerk Update.

                   The Clerk reported that a builder has been and given a quote of £2370 to repair the hole in the village hall roof and to repair the bus shelter leak. The Clerk is to obtain 2 more quotes to satisfy the insurance requirements but to book Martin Brooks based on the quote provided.

The Clerk informed members that RMBC have updated that they will begin the removal of the dead tree on the junction of Gildingwells Lane / Church Lane on Tuesday 25th of January weather permitted. Once this has been removed the Clerk will be in touch with members to arrange the delivery of the new Jubilee tree.

The Clerk informed that Leys lane , from Dinnington to Lamb lane is soon to be resurfaced by RMBC.

The Clerk advised that she has received a quote from  a local iron monger for the beacon , she is looking into funding towards it via the neighbourhood coordinator. The Clerk advised she has a meeting coming up with RMBC to discuss the possibility of Capital funding.

     202209.  To discuss precept and any items needed for the budget forecast.

                        The Council all agreed to freeze the precept this year. RESOLVED: Proposed by Cllr Nettleship, Seconded by Cllr Sharpe. The Council agreed to put £800 aside within the budget forecast based on the recommendation Cllr Biggins received from the alarm company that at some point in the very near future the alarm system will need replacing at a cost of £800 .

It was agreed by all that the budget forecast would be set at the March meeting to give the Clerk time to receive information on the likely cost of the Jubilee celebrations.

202210 Approval of Monthly payments.

Andrea ( Cleaner)

£40 ( for the month)

Alert Alarms


Rebecca Thompson ( salary)

(9X3hours) £322.92 ( Nov, Dec and Jan)




202210. Approval of bank statement.

  Approved by all.

202211. To receive and consider any current planning applications and issues.


202212 To exchange information and receive members’ reports.

Cllr Straw commented that she liked the stones that have been placed around a tree in memory of a local resident who has sadly recently passed away.


202213. Matters to be discussed without the presence of press and public.

     The Clerk advised that she as well as Cllr Sharpe have received emails of a malicious nature, purporting to be Cllr Nettleship. The Clerk advised that she is reporting these to the police .

The Clerk advised that a member of public falls into the vexatious policy due to the volume of complaints/ contact she is receiving. The Clerk will inform and pass the details on to RMBC.

202214. A.O.B

Council members asked the Clerk to write to the Street fayre Committee and ask that a meeting be arranged to get plans underway.

Cllr Sharpe asked that the Clerk have the first tree on the left of Ramper Road be looked at.

Cllr Sharpe gave the Clerk a list for her to restock the Village Hall bar for the gig this coming weekend.

202215 To confirm date and time for the next meeting.

Budget meeting 21/02/2022- No Public Presence required

Full Council Meeting Tuesday the 8th March 2022.

Meeting Closed by Cllr Nettleship at 9.25pm