Meeting agenda 2022

March Meeting Agenda

Dear Councillor,

You are respectfully summoned to attend the meeting of Letwell Parish Council which is to be held at 7:30pm on Wednesday 6th of April 2022 at Letwell Village Hall, Barker Hades Road, Letwell.

The agenda is shown below and supporting papers attached.

Your Sincerely,

Rebecca Thompson, Clerk to Letwell Parish Council.


Public Session.

To receive written questions for considerations by the Parish Council from members of the public. (up to 30 minutes)

Ward Update

To receive an update from any Ward Councillor that may be in attendance.

Parish Council Meeting.

  1. To receive and approve any apologies for absence.
  2. To receive any declarations of interest not already declared under the Council’s Code of Conduct or Members Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
  3. To Consider items to be discussed in the absence of the press and public.
  4. To approve the minutes from the meeting held on 10th of March 2022.
  5. To discuss any matters arising from the minutes, for information only.
  6. To discuss questions provided by the Letwell Community Group.
  7. Clerk Update.
  8. To receive an update regarding Jubilee Celebrations.
  9. To discuss the Hall roof and consider any action required.
  10. To discuss scheme of delegation and consider any action required.
  11. To Discuss responsibilities of Councillors.
  12. To appoint an Internal Auditor.
  13. Approval of Monthly payments.
  14. Approval of bank statement.
  15. To receive and consider any current planning applications and issues.
  16. To exchange information and receive members’ reports.
  17. To confirm date and time for the next meeting as well as Annual General Meeting.

Key Correspondence available but not the agenda (Copies can be made available by the Clerk).

Questions and comments from Letwell Community Group.

YLCA: Training opportunities.

YLCA: White Rose Updates

South Yorkshire Police and crime commissioner monthly blogs